Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Yellow Beach

Many years ago in Africa, there was a unique lion of his species because the color of his skin resembled a golden color. For this reason all hunters wished to seize the lion to have its skin in their collections. Despite the effort of all hunters to catch him, neither of them was able to grab him. The most famous hunter of Africa was obsessed about catching him, becoming the shadow of the lion, following him during the day and the night. However, whenever the hunter tried to trap the animal, he always escaped into the jungle. The longer he tried to catch the animal his obsession increased. The lion´s ability to camouflage himself avoid that hunters couldn´t track his movements.

One day, when the lion was walking on the beach, the hunter caught the animal in a cage, pointed at him with his gun, with the objective to kill the lion and take to his collection. Nonetheless, when he was ready to pull the trigger, the hunter realized that if he killed this animal his beauty would not be the same. At this moment, the skin of the lion began to shine, blinding the hunter´s eyes, and also whispering words to the hunter. The lion proposed to the hunter, that if he were allowed to continue living, he could visit the hunter every day of his life. Initially the hunter was skeptical of the lion´s proposal, but after seeing the animal one more time he accepted the offer made.

The next day, the hunter went to the same beach to watch the animal. However, he realized that the animal was not there. Nevertheless, he saw something different in the sand and the ocean. At that moment, he understood that the animal would not come any more because he had never gone. The gold color of the lion will always be in the gold color of the sand, and his power in the energy of the ocean.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful story! Often the things we try to possess don't turn into such wonders as you describe here of the lion and the beach sand....intriguing...well done!
