Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Same as humans, gods also sin. Don´t think that envy and revenge are just human behaviors because life on earth is just the reflection of the Gods will.  Despite the Olympus Gods having everything in heaven, they were always envying how mortals sinned without any remorse. For humans, every year represents a new opportunity to begin a new life; however, Olympus Gods were destined to exist for the whole eternity without the possibility of fulfilling a different mission in their immortal life.

Although people worshiped the Olympus Gods, humans were surprised how the Immortal envied how their lives are surrounded by sin and pleasures. For that reason, the Olympus Gods decided to show their supremacy to humans through the celebration of a carnaval where they would copy and overcome people behavior. Humans had to attend this celebration; otherwise, the revenge of the Gods would fall on all of them. To guarantee that the carnival would be magnificent certain other divine were invited. Dionisio the God of the wine, Aphrodite the goddess of love and desire, and Demeter the goddess of fertility.

Although humans were invited, they disregarded the invitation because they knew that the aim of the carnival was to show them immortals´ supremacy. Beside, mortals were exhausted worshiping the Immortals because they believed that God's supremacy on earth was a way to restrict humans senses, such as passion, desire, obsession and lust. Humans loved sin.  For that reason, they decide not to attend the Gods´ invitation as a proof of rebellion.

The day of the carnival every God was there, including all the Gods that would bring the representation of humans’ sins. Everything seemed that the event would be a success. However, there was an important detail that was absent in the celebration “humans”. Without the presence of humans there was nobody who could worship the Immortals. Without someone to worship them, they were also not Gods.

As a revenge for disobeying the Gods orders, they decided to reprimand the humans´ behavior with two big punishments. The first punishment was done by Poseidon, who created tsunamies, and the second one was done by Zeus, who punished humans with hurricanes. Although humans understood the Gods supremacy, they also realized that Gods them need to be Gods.

1 comment:

  1. And you developed this story of the Gods and humans from such a simple exercise in class...There is a certain amusement expressed here about both the Gods and humans passions and desires.

    Gods need humans in order to be Gods! Wow!
